Shoes (outdoors): Smitty Mid-Cut Umpire's Plate Shoes -- Solid Black (SH-SP)
Shoes: New Balance 460V3 Umpire's Mid-Cut Plate Shoes (SH-460M3)
Shoes: New Balance 950v3 Solid Black Mid-Cut Field Shoe -- D, EE or EEEE Widths (SH-950M3)
Shoes: Smitty Mid-Cut Umpire's Plate Shoes (SH-SP)
Shorts: Ref Smart Mesh Officiating Shorts (SS-MS)
Shorts: Smitty Deluxe Soccer Official's Shorts (SS-SOC)
Shorts: Smitty Premium Ultra-Light Football Shorts (SS-178)
Shorts: Smitty Premium Ultra-Light Football Shorts with White Stripes (SS-178)
Shorts: Smitty Standard Football & Lacrosse Shorts (SS-S1)
Shorts: Smitty Standard Football & Lacrosse Shorts with White Stripes (SS-FB)
Socks: Pro Feet Crew Socks (SK-5C)
Socks: Pro Feet Over the Calf Compression Socks (SK-5)
Socks: Pro Feet Over the Calf Tube Socks (SK-5)
Socks: Pro Feet Quarter Socks (SK-5Q)
Socks: Under Armour Crew Socks (SK-UACREW)
Socks: Under Armour Over the Calf Socks (SK-UAOTC)
Socks: Soccer Socks (SK-SC)
Tarrago Liquid Shoe Polish (TLP)
Tarrago Shoe Cream (TSC)
Timers: Ref Smart™ Universal Game Day Belt Clip Timer (FB-2560)